Friday, October 29, 2010

Preemie Quilt Patterns or Baby Luv Program

They love seasonal quilts!

This is a picture or what is called
"cheater" cloth put together with

This quilt is simple squares sewn together.

If you can sew, you can make preemie quilts. You DO NOT have to be a quilter and certainly not a master quilter. Preemie quilts can be as simple or complicated as you choose to make them. Whatever they are, when they are made with love they are appreciated and give cheerfulness and hope to the families of those most precious, tiny babies.

The quilts are made of three layers of fabric. The top can be as simple as an interesting square of fabric or as complicated as a quilt top square with borders. (Many quilters make preemies out of the ‘extra’ or ‘practice’ squares they have left over from their projects.) I like to use a picture square and simply put borders around it. What the NICU’s are looking for is something that is colorful and cheerful. They are trying to make the sterile environment of these preemie babies look a little more homelike.

The second layer is made of cotton batting. Polyester batting is too fluffy and these quilts are frequently placed under the babies and need to be sturdy and flat.

The third layer is the backing and can be a solid piece of fabric, flannel or even scraps of fabric that have been sewn together to make a larger piece.

The goal is to make a quilt approximately 22’ square. Sometimes they are a little larger and sometimes a little smaller, depending on the design of the fabric but I usually use ½ of the fabric width (44” fabric) for the backing and by the time I take ¼ inch seams, the quilt is finished at 21 ½ inches.

When we first started, my friend Enid and I bound each quilt and finished them by hand. Our need has grown so rapidly that most of the volunteer quilters are now making then in a pillowcase fashion. Simply lay all three layers together – batting first, quilt top facing up and then the back facing down. Stitch around three of the sides and most of the 4th side and then turn as you would a pillowcase. Easily close the small opening by hand. Then press the fabrics and machine quilt.

It is necessary to have simple quilting done on each of the preemies to keep them together – as they are washed frequently. One simple way to make it look as though it has a binding is to stitch about ½ inch from the edge all the way around the quilt. In the center of the quilt you can stitch in the ditch around your borders and/or designs or you can cross-hatch the entire quilt or stipple it.

The important thing to remember is to check your quilts to be very sure that no pens, loose strings or raw seams are present. We have to be very careful that there is nothing there to harm these tiny little babies.

The quilts need to be delivered to the Edmond Church of Christ office at 9th and Bryant in Edmond, OK (if you live in that area) or mailed to me at Donna Watson, Box 3452, Edmond, OK, 73083. I need to receive them no later than the 20th of each month as I have to wash them, package them and deliver to each of the three hospitals by the 1st.

We are currently taking care of NICU units at OU Children’s Hospital, Baptist Hospital and Mercy Hospital. They have a combination of 168 beds – which means that they may have as many as 225 babies pass through their units each month. Currently we are delivering 110 quilts each month, so you can see how great the need is for this program. There are potentially 115 babies who don’t get a quilt from us each month.

Once the baby receives the quilt, it belongs to him/her and they get to take it home. The nurses love these quilts and – so I have been told – will frequently “fight” over which one “suits” their particular charge. They are also asking if I happen to be a day late in delivering. Yes, these are important.

Not only are they important to the staff but they are very, very important to the families. These babies are in such a sterile environment that sometimes it is hard to remember that these are real little babies who prayfully will soon be going home. The quilts are a reminder of that and also give hope to those who are struggling. They particularly love to have “seasonal” quilts as those truly represent “hope” to many parents. The head of one of the departments told me that more than one parent has commented upon receiving a Christmas quilt on the 1st of December…”Does that mean that my baby is going to live until Christmas?”

When I hear comments like that…well…I just go back to my sewing room and create some more. I pray you will too.

If you have any questions, please contact me at

Thank you very much for your interest in the Baby Luv project and may God continue to bless you.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lazy Days of Summer...

It is hot!! Have you noticed that? Have you also noticed that when it is hot it makes you want to do nothing but lay around a pool and soak up the sun or curl up in the cool and read a good book? That's me!!

But wait...I have work to do. I still have a 'To Do' list and it doesn't go away just because it is summer. One of the things on my 'To Do' list is to get back into my exercise routine. I have this wonderful, cool, comfortable, cushioned floor, easy access, close to my house, full scheduled gym - that I can't seem to get to. Hummmm. Must be the lazy days of summer. I can't seem to come up with any other excuses.

Sooooo I went today!! I am so proud of me!! I found out very quickly that I am really out of shape and couldn't survive very long even in all of that luxury. Makes me very aware of what I need to do.

Speaking of schedules....we have a pretty short deadline on the stories needed for the next book
of the 'A Cup of Tea for the Heart' series. This one is titled: "Plans Are Made To Be Changed ~ Expect the Unexpected." I haven't written my story. Have you? We don't you to miss being in this book...and maybe...if you get your story in, I will get on the ball and get mine in too! :) How about it????

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Life Is Soooooooo Good!!

Wow! I can't believe it has been so long since I blogged! It has been such an exciting month that I just can't keep up.

In the last blog I told you that I was talking with an excellent publisher about my new book, How To Get and Keep A Job. Well...not only did I sign a contract for that book, but Rita and I signed a contract the very same day for the first book of our new A Cup of Tea for the Heart series. This first book is titled: Tough Times Don't Last But Tough Women Do.

My How To Get and Keep A Job book is moving in so many different directions that it is mind boggling! It has as potential for not only being a book for the general public, but for becoming a textbook for high school, colleges, universities and vo-tech schools and a manual for training and retraining employees for new jobs or advancements. There are many plan in the work at this moment...I will try to keep you posted.

The A Cup of Tea for the Heart series is also moving very rapidly. I had the opportunity of attending the International Christian Retail Bookstore convention in St. Louis a week or so ago and meet so many people with whom we are discussing products for you to enjoy with each new book. Stay tuned - it is only going to get more exciting!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Life is too short to skip the chololate!

On February 1st I made a pledge to write a book in 28 days. Many of you followed me and supported me as I went through that process. In 26 days of work I completed 'How To Get and Keep A Job." It is a book that not only helps you get a job but shows you how to keep it and be on the leading edge in this competitive market. As one publisher said, "If this is not a needed book in the country, I don't know what would be." An HR Training Manager who reviewed it said, "Read it! Do It!"

Well....138 days from inception I was offered a contract from a top ten publisher! Today was certainly a 'chocolate' day for me!! We still have a few questions to discuss, but if all goes well, on Monday we will be on our way. The ideas are flowing....this book needs to be in many places as soon as possible. It needs to be where it can help people with the financial challenges that almost 10% of the nation is dealing with right now. I pray that the Lord will guide us as we make those choices and I cherish your prayers as well.

Thanks for staying with me on this journey. Invite others to enjoy the trip and we will travel together to see where this leads.

Friday, June 11, 2010

A Big Day

Life is movin' on and it is good!! Today I received a contract from a publisher who wants my new book, "How To Get and Keep A Job"! Decisions! Decisions! You better stay tuned as things are popping faster than I can blog about them.

I am going to a big convention and will have an opportunity to do a great deal of networking. I think it will be such fun. I love meeting new people with whom I can share experiences and growth. (Of course, Robert is excited because he will get to see three St. Louis Cardinal games while we are gone. That is the cat's meow for him!)

Rita and I have the first draft of "Tough Times Don't Last But Tough Women Do" ready to submit to a publisher and/or agent. We had set our deadline for June 17th but made it yesterday afternoon. Wahoo!! Please check our new website frequently for updates of what is happening. We got the article selection back from our editing committee earlier this week and didn't see any reason to wait. I know that must have been a really "tough" job for them as we have so many, many wonderful and heartwarming stories. Oh well, we have five more books in the cooker and they can look at the ones that were not chosen for this book and find which of the upcoming books they will fit in best.

By the way, we are needing more stories, so please go to the new website and check out the guidelines so that you, too, can be a part of this wonderful sharing opportunity. We need stories for many different topics. Look at the book titles and their descriptions and share your challenging experiences along with some wonderful advice as to how you lived through it with God's help. You may never know, your story may be the very one someone needs when they pick up that book. God is so good at putting things in the right places at the right time.

Oh yes, while you are at our website at, don't forget to sign up for the Joy Thoughts. I love getting that little bit of sunshine in my inbox a couple of times a week and I know you will enjoy them too. much for today. How wonderful to have just one exciting day after another. The Lord is Good!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Life Is Exciting!!

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted!! Life is movin' on so fast I am having trouble keeping up!!

Since I last posted, I have started a new book with my dear friend, Rita Goad. It originally was to be a special little book of inspirational advice from women of faith to share with "friends they never knew." But never underestimate the Lord! He obviously had something else in mind! It quickly exploded and has since become a potential series of books because of not only the huge influx of writings but because of the great number of request for the books!!

It is now a series called "A Cup of Tea for the Heart" and there are blogs, ezines, connections to our Facebook and Twitter connection and much more on the new website: Please check it out. It is a fun place to be!

Instead of repeating the incredible story of what has happened in our new project on this blog, I am just going to direct you to the blog at You can read all about it. (Oh yes, be sure to sign up for the "Joy Thoughts." They are sooooo much fun!)

The new book I finished earlier this year has more potential than I ever imagined! It has already been requested by two schools and this is without me even trying to connect with anyone! It now looks as though it is going to be both a textbook and a handbook for the public. Wow! I cannot believe the response that I am getting from those who are previewing it. I am humbled.

We do have such an awesome God and it is so exciting to be in sinc with Him and His works.

Stay tuned!! This is just the beginning!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010



Can you tell us something about your Christian testimony?

I was reared in a Christian home. My parents were active in church, my father an elder, my mother a deaconess. I attended Christian summer camps, youth group and said grace at every meal. I thought being born into a Christian family and raised in the faith made me a Christian. It didn’t. Each person makes their own choice, and it took me years to surrender to Jesus – not until after I’d gone through college, married, had children and started a writing career. Rick and I went to church, but came away dissatisfied and knowing there must be something more. We both had personal issues that brought us close to divorce several times. We wanted our own way and to have control over our own lives. Having control is an illusion. As a child, I’d asked Jesus to be my Savior. What I didn’t understand is I needed to surrender my life to Him and allow Him to be LORD of my life as well.

Our marriage was on the verge of collapse when Rick started his own business. We moved to northern California to be closer to family. We made many outer changes, but no change of the heart. As we moved into our rental house, a little boy came over to help and said, “Have I got a church for you!” We weren’t ready to listen. The lady on the other side of our fence also invited us to the same church. Out of desperation, I went a few weeks later. It was my first experience with “expository teaching.” The pastor taught straight out of the Bible, explaining the historical context, what the scriptures were saying, and what they had to do with me in the present. I drank it in! I took my three children to church. They loved it. Rick resisted (after having a somewhat disheartening experience with a denominational church in Southern California). I asked the pastor if he would be willing to teach a home Bible study. He agreed -- if Rick agreed, which he did. Studying the Bible changed our lives. Our hearts and minds opened to Christ. We both accepted Jesus as Savior and LORD and were baptized in May 1986. Since then, God has been changing our lives from the inside out. The Lord also healed our marriage. We celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary this year.

How did you get started as a writer?

From the time I was a child, I knew I would be a writer. Because I didn’t know what I would write, I majored in English (emphasis in literary writing) and minored in journalism (emphasis on who-what-when-where-why). My parents had always been non-fiction readers. Rick’s family loved all kinds of books – and lots of fiction. Mom Edith loaned me novels and I loved them. On a dare (from Rick) I decided to write a combination of my favorite genres and wrote a “western-gothic-romance”. Romance novels were booming in the general market, publishers were on the look-out for new writers. My first manuscript sold and was published. I was hooked! I followed with eight or nine more (of what I call my B.C. (before Christ) books). They are all now out of print, are never to be reprinted, and are not recommended.

When I turned my life over to Jesus, I couldn’t write for three years. I tried, but nothing worked. I struggled against God over that because writing was my “identity.” It took that period of suffering “writer’s block” to bring me to my senses. God was trying to open my eyes to how writing had become an idol in my life. It was the place I ran to escape, the one area of my life where I thought I was in complete control. (Hardly!) My priorities were all wrong and needed to be put right. God first, husband and children second (we had three children by then) and third-- work. I prayed God would change my heart. My love for writing and reading novels waned and my passion for reading and studying God’s Word grew.

Rick and I began hosting a home Bible study. I began working with Rick in his business. The children came along and played in the office, hiding in the shipping popcorn. Writing ceased to matter. I was in love with Jesus and my husband and children. God never stops with the transformation process. We began studying the book of Hosea, and I sensed God calling me to write again – this time a romance about Jesus’ love for each of us. Redeeming Love was the result. It is the retelling of the Hosea story, set in Gold Rush-era California. After I turned it in, I wasn’t sure whether I would write anything more. I had so many questions about what it means to be a Christian, how to live for God, different issues that still haunted me. I felt God nudging me toward using my writing as a tool to draw closer to Him. I would ask my question, create characters that would play out the different viewpoints and seek God’s perspective. I began work on A Voice in the Wind. Writing has become a way to worship the Lord through story – to show how intimately He wants to be involved in our lives.

Where do you get your ideas for your plots?

Almost every story I have written since becoming a Christian has come from a question that regards a struggle in my own faith walk. The plot centers around the different ways that question can be answered by “the world” – but the quest is to find God’s answer. Here is a list of my novels with the questions that started each story:

  • A Voice in the Wind: How do I share my faith with unsaved family members and friends who have no desire to read the Bible or hear me talk about my faith?
  • An Echo in the Darkness: How many times are we called upon to forgive people who hurt us deliberately -- and (in many countries) would like to see us dead?
  • As Sure As the Dawn: How do you deal with anger – especially when there is “good” cause? What is “righteous anger” and how does it look?
  • The Scarlet Thread: What does “sovereignty” mean in man’s relationship with God? If He is in control of everything, what does that say about the bad things that happen to people?
  • The Atonement Child: Is there complete forgiveness and restoration for a woman who has aborted her child? Does abortion have any effect on the woman and the man involved in the crisis pregnancy? Does it impact people around them? (This was my most painful and personal book because I needed to face and deal with my own abortion experience. The character of Hannah is based on my story; Evie is based on my mother’s.)
  • The Last Sin Eater: What is the difference between guilt and conviction? This book came out of The Atonement Child. What I learned: guilt kept me imprisoned for years. Conviction sent me to my knees before the Lord where I received forgiveness and experienced His love and grace.
  • Leota’s Garden: Are abortion and euthanasia connected? Is euthanasia merciful or an act of murder? This novel also came out of my work on The Atonement Child. While studying the abortion issue from all sides, I realized the arguments for abortion are exactly the same as those for euthanasia. While going through a post-abortion class with other women (one a nurse), I learned that the elderly are already at risk. One scene in the book continues to shock people. I wrote it for that purpose. I want people to understand life is precious. The movement toward legalizing euthanasia continues to gain momentum (and has less to do with “mercy” than saving money for care).
  • And the Shofar Blew: What is a church? How do you build it? During my travels around the country and speaking at various churches, I saw many struggling through building projects and massive programs to draw more parishioners. Size of building and number of people in the pews seemed to define success or failure. Like a government out of control, the “church” (in many cases) has forgotten its foundation and purpose. Christ is the cornerstone. Believers meet together to study the Word of God, worship Him and encourage one another – and keep their doors and hearts open to those seeking God. Unfortunately, too many congregations have left their first love (Jesus Christ) and turned to idolatry (placing a building/drawing a crowd/being “politically correct” above a relationship with the Lord).
  • Her Mother’s Hope / Her Daughter’s Dream: What caused the rift between my grandmother and mother? When my grandmother had a stroke, my mother raced from Oregon to the Central Valley of California to be with her. Grandma died before she arrived. My mother was heart-broken and said, “I think she willed herself to die just so we wouldn’t have to talk things out.” I have wondered since: What causes people (even Christians) to hold grudges? What might have brought resolution and restoration to these two women? Could my grandmother have loved my mother without my mother understanding it? The two books have many personal, family details woven in and I will be sharing this information in my blog.

Tell us about your current work.

I have just completed the second in a set of two books about mother-daughter relationship over four generations. This was intended to be one long novel dealing with the different ways generations have lived out their faith – but became so long it needed to be divided. Her Mother’s Hope was released on March 16, 2010. Her Daughter’s Dream will follow in September. There are numerous family and personal details woven into both books and I plan to share those things on my blog. You may find out more about my new book and more by visiting my web site at

PLEASE NOTE: A complimentary copy of this book was provided to the me as a blog tour host by Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for posting this interview on my blog. Please visit Christian Speaker Services at for more information about blog tour management services.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Today is Spring!

We go from 8 inches of snow to 85 degrees in ten days time. Now that is OK for you!! It has always been said that if you don't like the weather here, just wait a few minutes and it will change.

I am soooo excited. Thanks to Rita, Sue and Lynda, my new book is just about through it's third edit and ready for approval by a number of people who are waiting to see it. What a blessing. Even I am beginning to like it again!! When you work on something so long and hard, at least for me, by the time it is finished I want to throw it away and say, "Who would ever want to read this?!?!" Of course, I have felt that way about all my books, so maybe that is good.

Oh yes, and also very, very exciting is that Rita and I have started work on another new book. It is a collection of articles written by women of faith who are willing to share some thoughts that have made a difference in their lives. By the way, we would love to have all of you share in this project, so please send me your email address or email me if I already have it and I will send you the guidelines. We are on a very tight deadline - May 1, 2010 - so don't me NOW! We would love to have you join us in the fun adventure that can touch lives that we might never get an opportunity to touch in any other way.

Life is fun!! Hope to hear from you soon.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Days 25 & 26 - The New Book

IT'S FINISHED! I got the first proofing back from Rita on Friday and put it all back on the computer and today, I finished writing Section III. I can't believe it!! Of course, there is always clean up work to do but that will not take long and then I will be sending it to Sue to check for mistakes one more time before I actually get to present it to the corporation here in town, the University and the editor who has requested to see it.

I am very excited and I am very tired. Yes, you can write a book in under 28 days...of work...but it is tough. It is especially tough if you are writing a book like mine with so much research and detail in it. I am glad I did it but it will be a while before a try another of this type.

I do have two more books in the works - but they will be co-authored with Rita and Beverly and we will have such fun putting them together. Stay tuned for details. We will be needing ALL of you to help.

Now on to the garage. I promised my hubby that it would be cleaned this Spring and with my Mom's stuff stored among our things, it will be a job. I did get through a number of her boxes this past weekend and it was a struggle. So many memories when you lose someone and try to put their entire life's history into only a few boxes.

Thank you more than you will ever know for your support during this project. Please come back and read my blog and website often. It won't be updated every day, but frequently. The website has some interesting things coming its way, too. You guys are terrific!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 24 -The New Book

Four more working days to go. I am getting there. The first editing of Section I is finished and on the computer and Section II is currently going through it first editing (other than me). They will, of course, be read several more times before the publisher edits it, but I like to have it as slick as possible when I submit it. Rita has done a dynamite job editing for me and helping me get someone to help with my home. You will never convince me that prayers don't work. I was just about at my wits end when she suggested that maybe her daughter would like to help me. She is a doll and has saved my life. Thank you so much Kelci and by the way, if you can come Monday, I would love it.

I spent a great deal of time today working on Section III. I did add a little information to the Budgeting Skill in Section II, but most of my time today was spent on the first two chapters of Section III about presentation skills. These are the skills that can put you on the competitive edge and give you the boost it takes to make it to the top. They are rare and few people have them or are willing to develop them. That is what makes them so special.

It was such a beautiful day yesterday that I did get out for a bit and went to a couple of bookstores to check out the competition not only for this book but for the next two ideas that I am working on. It looks pretty good. The best books I could find on job hunting have nothing in them about advanced skills or presentation abilities. Yes! We are standing out in the crowd!

It has been a long day once again and I think I will give myself a break and read a little. Oh yes, the April, 2010 issue of CBA Magazine has my "Help Those Authors Sell Those Books" article in it and my book review. It was fun to see it. Even after all the years that I have been writing and publishing, it has never stopped exciting me to see my articles in publications or my books on the shelf of a bookstore. I am in awe of what the Lord has helped me do and I shall be eternally grateful.

By the way...snow tomorrow. Here we go again. The first day of Spring and "Gray skies and raindrops and snow up to the rooftops...." Oh well.... Today was beautiful and we had dinner on the patio. Stephen and Kris got our yard ready for Spring and we couldn't resist cooking out and eating in the fresh air. How fun.

Tomorrow back to the office. I think I will let it snow for the next two days all on its own. I don't think I will even watch.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 22 & 23 -The New Book

Okay, I will admit that I skipped another day or two and now have written almost solid for two days and have not blogged. Sorry. Sometimes I have to catch up and in this case I had to get Robert off on a trip...that is why I am now batching and working. I am still within my 28 days schedule if I count only work days and I am.

I have finished and edited Section I and it has gone to another editor. (Read fast, Rita, I have the next section almost ready for you!) Section II editing was finished by me today and I got half of it on the computer tonight before I crashed. It is looking good, even if I do say so myself. I have about 25,000 words so far and still have to put four more "skills" on the computer and all of Section III. I finally reached the point a couple of days ago where I was ready to trash it and, fortunately, I know that for me that is a good point because it means that it is just on the verge of coming together. Thank the Lord, He helped me hang in there.

By the way, I need more people to read through the manuscript and correct and/or edit the material. It takes several readings to be sure that nothing is missed. If any of you are willing to help, let me know. You can make a note on my blog or email me. I would really appreciate it. I am so very, very grateful to Rita...a very busy lady...for volunteering to help. Thanks a million!

I think Tiki thinks it is time for us to give it up for the day and I want to close things down so I can Skype with my hubby for a while. Once again, I appreciate all of you for hanging in there with me throughout this process and keeping me going.

Have a great weekend and don't forget to change your clocks!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 21 - The New Book

Sunshine!!! and I have been in the office all day!! What is wrong with me?!?!?

I am excited. I wrote the final chapter for Section II today. If I have time after the fish fry tonight, I am going to start editing. I want to get Sections I & II pretty well finished before I attack the three chapters of Section III. I am hoping that it reads smoother than my memory is reporting to me right now!! I can't even tell you the word count or pages at the point because I have done so much revamping but in a day or two that will be good to go. Yeah!!!

Not only do I have this large corporation to talk with next week, and the University to present to, I now have a magazine editor who contacted me today and asked to look at the book when I am ready to share it. I am so blessed!! Thank you Lord!!! It is so wonderful to know that all of this work will not have been in vain. Of course I am not assured that any of them will like it, but that part is in the Lord's hands. I will do my work and the rest is up to Him.

Thought I would write early tonight as I need to get ready for the dinner and I have had a very productive day: the book review is in for the month, Sections I & II are rough drafted and all the reservations are in - so far - from the gals who are going on the cruise. Whew!! I will enjoy that fish tonight!!

Take care and stay in touch....see you tomorrow.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 20 -The New Book

I was a good girl. I took Sunday off. Well, sort of. If you can call Sunday School, Church, lunch, a political rally, research and a swollen leg which I had to keep elevated for numerous hours, taking the day off...I guess I did.

Guess what? It rained today!! Gray skies and raindrops.... I tried not to look. I just buried myself in this book and tried to get it in the order that it should be. I have not been comfortable with it and so today I tore it apart and put it back together again. I pulled out one entire chapter...which will make a great E-book on "Believing In Yourself" and made a final decision on the "Skills Section." There will be seven skills addressed and I pulled from and added to and rearranged material until I finally feel that it is flowing in a logical manner. I think. I hope. I really won't know for sure until I can read it straight through from beginning to end.

I did have some exciting interactions yesterday. I have an appointment next week with a large, international corporation that uses books for the basis of their training seminars. They are local and, as I understand, are partial to local authors. Yes! I am hoping to work out an arrangement whereby they will take this new book and use it not only for training but for promotional purposes as well. That would be exciting. My 101 Simple Ways To Be Good To Yourself book was used as a promotional book at one time by a large international corporation. It was fun working with them. Time will tell, but it certainly gave me one more incentive to stay on target and get this thing finished.

Time for a book review too. I wrote it today and as soon as it is it goes. This month I reviewed Howe and Foetisch's new book titled "Burdens Do a Body Good - Meeting Life's Challenges with Strength (and Soul).

We went to a wedding dinner at the Oklahoma Dental Foundation tonight. One of Robert's chair side assistants is getting married and it was fun sharing our wedding story with them. They are, by the way, getting married on my birthday...April is our great niece, Andrea. What a day!! Good way to forget how old I will be !!

Hopefully we will finalize our portion of the girl's cruise plans tomorrow. We may have others sign up later and that would be wonderful. So if any of you are still considering going with us...say yes and let's get it going.

It's late and I am tired...think I will visit with hubby, play with Tiki and call it a day.

See you tomorrow.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 19 - The New Book

Another productive day! PTL!! In spite of the fact that we had three thirteen year-olds here all night and a dinner party to attend, I still got my chapter written. In fact, I wrote an entire chapter on NLP (Neuro-Linquistic Programming) - a very interesting communication technique and about half of the chapter on How To Handle Difficult People. These are two more of the steps toward becoming the professional who will stand out in the crowd.

It was "gray" here again today. My cousin, Mike, in CA didn't help much by telling me how beautiful it was out there. Thanks, Mike!! What he doesn't know is that I may pack up and move into his spare bedroom to finish this book if we don't get some sunshine soon!

We had three precious young men at our house last night. After our dinner we picked them up and went out to Braum's for dessert. They are sweet guys and we had fun. Keith, our youngest grandson, was one of them, and two of his buddies. They are always welcome at our home. We will probably see a lot of them this summer when the pool opens. Last year was a pretty slim yard activity year as Keith had a broken arm for most of the summer and I spent most of it with my Mom before she passed away. The two older grandsons were working, so we didn't see much of them either. Time moves on so rapidly.

Robert says that it is time for me to good night all. Thanks for joining me and thanks more than you will ever know, for all the encouraging words.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 18 - The New Book

Yes, I know. It has actually been two weeks and two days between Day 17 and Day 18. A number of things happened. First of all, my computer crashed and had to visit the computer guru for 12 days and while it was in the hospital Robert and I took off for what we had hoped would be a little R & R and some nice warm weather. But, alas, we found a snow storm and very cold winds. I am destined to be cold!!

I wanted to write about our little trip on my laptop but decided it wasn't a good idea to reveal that we were out of I waited.

We have a dear friend (a HS & college classmate of Robert's) that has Stage 4 metastatic lung cancer and we spent most of our time with him and his family. They are very special people and he and Robert have been sharing some precious time.

We did take off for the hill country of Texas for a few days to see the lakes and some sunshine and warm weather. We got as far as Waco before a white out blizzard stopped us. Since we had to stop driving we decided to take advantage of the stay over and see some of their the Texas Rangers Museum and the Dr. Pepper Museum. Of course, they were closed because of the weather. We drove around a bit and finally went to the hotel and watched the Olympics.

The next morning we did get to see the museums and then drove on to Marble Falls, TX where we planned on touring the lakes, playing a little golf and seeing Fredricksburg, TX. As it turned out it was too windy and too cold for much of anything except watching the Olympics.

Three days later we responded to a call to go back to our friend's home for another visit and we headed North.

Except for our visit with Jim and his family, we could have watched the Olympics at home a lot cheaper and a lot more comfortably!

Oh well. They can't all turn out wonderfully.

We are home, my computer is back and I am working once again. Therefore, if you will excuse the slight respite, I am now on Day 18 and today I did write an entirely new chapter. This one was about Aggression vs Assertion. I did some research while we were gone and I have revamped the entire book once again. I just couldn't make the original plan work and I think it is going to work out much better now.

The plan now is for it to have three sections: Section I is How To Get a Job; Section II is How To Keep A Job: ___ Steps Toward Professionalism; and Section III is How To Stand Out In a Crowd: Communication Skills That Work.

The exact number of steps is not known yet, but it will be at least 10 or 12 items such as Assertion vs Aggression; How To Handle Stress; Good Listening Skills; How To Live On a Budget; Neuro-Linquistic Programing, etc.

I have renewed energy and between catching up on the laundry, cleaning the house, running errands and playing with Tiki, I AM going to get this book finished on schedule!! Hang out and watch!!!

Would love to share more but got to get back to work...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 17 - The New Book

I think Tiki is getting a little tired of me being on the computer so much. Robert's laptop was sitting in the floor and she put her little toy heart right in the middle of the keyboard. So I quit working and played with her for a bit. She is so sweet and patient most of the time. She will come and lay right by my chair until she thinks I have been here long enough and then she demands that we play. She is good for me. Thank you Robert and thank you Lord.

I was on the computer early this morning. I sincerely planned to get two chapters finished today but - alas - life happened. I had to check out the tree trimmers for our neighborhood association and this kitchen of mine - I just can't seem to train it to stay clean. Oh well, it looks better and so does the laundry. Then when Robert finally got in tonight we took the time to discuss how soon we need to go see our very good friend in Dallas who was taken back to the hospital last night because of his stage 4 lung cancer. We also finally got around to planning some of his CEU class trips and my writing conference in CA. Oh yes, I also collected fabric for preemie quilts and the finished preemie quilts from our great quilting friends in Guthrie. The terrific quilting friends from Davis and Ringling will be bringing theirs up tomorrow. What an exciting time of month. Almost as exciting as when I get the privilege of delivering them.

You thinking...she didn't write today. Yes I did!! I finished Chapter Seven and have the material ready to start work on Chapter Eight tomorrow. These chapters are turning out so much longer than I had originally planned that I am not sure that I am going to be able to finish by the 28th, but I am going to give it a shot. I have already written 95 pages and 20,372 words and I am not half way through with the material. There is just so much that needs to be shared on this topic and it is so important to those who need the we all have at one time or another.

Tiki and I have about had it for the day. So if we can talk "Daddy" into joining us, we are going to call it a completed and successful day and start again tomorrow.

Sweet dreams to all of wonderful friends.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 16 - The New Book

It was cold and windy again today. I am still ready to move to Hawaii if I could just talk my hubby into going.

It was a cold and windy day but an interesting one. I had an opportunity to do a guest lecture at Oklahoma Christian University and I spoke on some of the material from my new book. I went through the section on searching for a job, designing a Resume, writing a cover letter and putting together your first impression look. This was a group of art design students and since I was aware that they are predominately visual, I decided to begin the class with a 15 minute visual study of getting an interview.

"Sad Sally," "Big Bertha," and I all attempted to obtain an interview. Surprisingly enough, I was the only one who succeeded. It was fun and I think that the students picked up a lot of good ideas in a very short time.

If the reactions of the students and the lead professor, their note taking and their questions, were any indication, I think I am on track with this new book. That is exciting to see.

As usual, I gave it everything I had to give and I am very, very tired tonight. I tried to do some research and began work on a new chapter, but I have to give it up. Guess that means I will have to double up tomorrow.

My new book review came in today also, so I get to add that to the "to do" list. Isn't it fun! I love it when the "to do" list gets so long that I run out of paper or it falls off of the desk.

I am getting giddy. It is time to get some rest. I slept in the den last night because Robert was out of town and the heater in our bedroom went out. The den - even the couch - felt better than that 51 degree bedroom. Our bed will feel wonderful tonight.

I am going to carefully post this before I get careless and erase it like I did a few minutes ago. I am excited about having another wonderful and productive day tomorrow. Thank you for hanging in there and supporting me in this effort.

Here is to another blessed day from our Lord. Good night.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 15 - The New Book

How could I have forgotten to share with you my very special experience yesterday afternoon. Our oldest grandson, Kris, called and asked me if I would help him put together a very special Valentine for - what appears to be - a very special young lady. (Did I say, "very special" three times? Oh well, that is what happens when you get tired and besides they were all three "very special" moments.)

He came over and I helped him find the material to put together a large Valentine with all of the memorable items that he had collected during the times that they have been dating. Wow!! No one ever did that for me!! The best I got was a duplicate valentine from last year because Robert liked the wording so much he just gave it to me again. That is kind of neat, too, you know.

Back to the book...Chapter Six is rough drafted and printed. I am sure that it will need a lot of work, but so far the proofer I have working for me (my hubby) is not finding an over abundance of mistakes, for which I am very grateful. So far I have only totally rewritten one chapter. I think that is pretty awesome. Of course, I do a lot of rewriting as I go and it is pretty well outlined before I hit the keys. Even though that is not what Nick Daws calls "freewriting" and certainly is not as fast as "freewriting," it works for me and I guess that is what it is all about.

Tomorrow is quilt collection day and I am scheduled to guest lecture at Oklahoma Christian in the afternoon, so writing will have to wait for the evening. I am going to put my research in order before I go to sleep so that it will go pretty rapidly. I am getting into some of my more knowledgeable subjects like time management and stress management, so it will be fun.

It was very cold today. Robert is doing a free clinic tomorrow and I know that he will read this blog before he goes to sleep, so, Honey, sweet dreams and remember how much I love you.

Tomorrow will be another wonderful day.

PS The book sales went well today at the ERW meeting and I got a call tonight for five more sets. Yea!! Money for rice for the kids of Haiti!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 14 - The New Book

Happy Valentine!! I hope all of you had a wonderful day. I would have except I woke up this morning to more S N O W!! Do I ever need this cruise!! Come on friends...let's do it! If for no other reason, consider it a mental health week for your good friend...ME!

Church was wonderful as usual. What better way to start a day. Then this promised...I headed for the office. I did finish Chapter Five today. I now have 5 chapters, 68 pages and 16,159 words in a pile on the floor...waiting for more.

This week is going to be tough to keep up because of so many other obligations. I am taking my books to the Edmond Republican Women's meeting tomorrow to sell for the Haiti's children fund. That will take some time and then Tuesday I am guest lecturing at Oklahoma Christian University. That will not only take some time but some preparation as well. I think it will be fun as I am going to do a little teaching through "drama." This particular group of students are all very visual and will learn quickly through a drama presentation. Robert and I have a luncheon on Thursday and Tiki has to go to the groomer on Friday and I need to go to Ardmore for a day, but I don't know how or when I can work that in.

But I will persevere!! I promised and my word is good! Deadlines are things that writers become accustomed to very quickly and if you are not good at them, you don't get very far.

However, tonight it is late and I am going to read my Bible and get some rest.

Thanks for joining me every day. I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy sharing with you. Let me hear from you once in a while and, please, pass it on to anyone you care to.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 13 - The New Book

Okay, I am giving in. This was taken at our Valentine dinner last night. The food was served on a three tiered tray with the meat on the bottom, the veggies in the middle and the desert on top. We had already had soup and salad. The best part was the good looking man on the left.

Inspirations is a lovely restaurant and they also gave me a beautiful long stem red rose. Of course it doesn't hurt that our daughter, Kristie, is the assistant manager there.

It was a wonderful evening. Between that and the wonderful sunshine today, I didn't get much done. (I even got out of the house without a jacket on!!) I had to "make hay while the sun shines," as they say as tomorrow it rains and snows and the bottom is suppose to fall out of the temperature.

I did work a little on Chapter Five (not enough) and studied our guide book some more about editing and publishing. I have so many things that I want to get out, that I am particularly interested in that section. I know, I just need to get it done. That and my exercise are not my two best discipline areas. If I do decide to start speaking again, I must have my book(s) available to the attendees. It is so hard not to spend time on what I really love to do and that is write.

Tomorrow is church and then I WILL head to the office. I guess I took my one day off for the week today. (Thank you Lord for the rest.) I still have 15 days left and I have 17 chapters and the editing to do...gonna have to step up the pace!! If I write 10 pages a day, I will still have a couple of days to do the editing, although there will not be as much as there could be because I do a lot along the way. (I know, I am not suppose to, but old habits are hard to break.) Keep encouraging me! I need it!!!

I did get some information figured out for the writers conference in CA today. I am very excited about attending that. I also talked with a few about the cruise. (Come on...we need some more of you to go!!) So all in all it was a pretty productive day...just not for the book. I will do better tomorrow, I promise.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 12 - The New Book

Today was truly a glorious day. The sun was shining and it was warm enough to walk outside without freezing for at least part of the day. We got Mom's store room cleaned out (filled up the garage, of course) and then my fantastic husband surprised me by taking me to Inspirations' Tea Room for a romantic Valentine dinner... chocolate covered cherries, roses and all. I would send you a picture, but he is just too good looking to share.

I completely rewrote Chapter Three today. It just didn't feel right and I did a major rewrite on it. It is so much better tonight and I am so relieved. Also completed the research for Chapter Five and got the introduction completed. Sometimes I have to get it on paper before the thoughts, and the way that they are fitting together, disappear. (Couldn't be anything about my age, could it? No! Just lots of wonderful ideas.)

I feel good about the way the book is moving along. I am anxious to finish it because I sincerely want to go back and finish another of my books titled "Help Me Lord, I Can't Be Everything To Everybody." I have been asked to share some information about doing Christian women's conferences and retreats and am seriously considering it. If I decide to pursue the idea, I will need to select a collection of topics. I think that book would be a good series. It is about time and stress management for Christian women in different seasons of their lives.

My writing and speaking friend, Beverly, thinks I should put together a series on communication and leadership skills for Christian women. What do you think? What is needed right now? I would love to hear from you.

Chapter Five is on the burner for tomorrow along with a lot of sunshine. It is supposed to snow again on Sunday and Thursday. We were talking about getting away for a few days, but so much for that. Like I said, winter is a good time to write in Oklahoma.

Until tomorrow....

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 11 - The New Book

I finished Chapter Four today. Yeah!! That is a total of 56 pages, before editing, of course. Somehow it feels a lot longer than that. I am not comfortable with Chapter Three yet, so I am giving up the computer for the night and curl up in front of the fire and do some editing and rewriting. Also have some reading to do for the new chapter.

This grayish, bone cold, icy, snowy weather is a blessing when you have a lot of reading and writing to do. I have no desire to get out of the house. Robert and I went to the mall today to order him some new glasses and I did not even walk into a store. (Of course, I am not much of a shopper anyway.) Hopefully the sun will be out tomorrow and for the next week or so and I can get some of my errands run and do the presentation for Haiti on Monday and the one at the University on Tuesday without freezing to death.

Still have lots of friends and family who need serious prayers...Charlotte, Dan, Carl, Patrice, Jim, Cindy and all their families. And, of course, all those precious children in Haiti.

More to get back to work so I can hit the computer early tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 10 - The New Book

Chapter Four - "Getting The Job You Want." Interesting how God works. I knew that this was the chapter that I needed to work on today and I spent most of the morning adding to the research. I didn't get to write until this evening and only got through about 1/4 of the topics (even though I wrote 10 pages) but it is well on it's way. I should be able to finish it tomorrow. I need to finish it tomorrow because I received a call from the University this afternoon asking me to do a guest lecture next Tuesday on "Getting The Job You Want." Would you believe?

I really need this book finished. They want to see it as soon as it is completed so that they can decide whether to approve it for a required reading next winter session. Twenty-one chapters minus four??? I still have a day or two of work to do! :)

We have so many friends in the hospital right now that it is hard to concentrate on other writing a book. I know how heavy their hearts are. We have so recently been there. I pray that they will all feel God's loving arms around them tonight and can get some much needed rest.

It is still so overcast and dreary. I am about ready to move to Hawaii! (Don't I wish. I can't even talk Robert in to going out of town!) Tiki and I really bundle up when we go out to keep that old, cold wind out of our bones. Speaking of Tiki, she says that it is time to quit and play so guess I will.

Tomorrow is another glorious day!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 9 -The New Book

Chapter No. 3 - rough draft - is in the can. It was a long chapter about self esteem and needs a lot of editing, but the rough draft is finished! Yes! Interesting how it sometimes turns out so different from the original plan. It begins to take on a life of its own.

The snow finally melted today and tomorrow must be errand day so we can have another snow on Thursday. It was beautiful with the sun shining and I was still begrudging the cold until I talked to the CBA editor this morning in Colorado Springs and found out it was 10 degrees. Suddenly 25-33 sounded pretty warm.

Pretty good day all in all. I got my book review submitted for the month, fixed a couple of meals (or maybe that was yesterday), did some laundry, played with Tiki, talked to some really excited ladies about the "Girl's Cruise" and got the third chapter done. I feel good. Time to read my Bible and call it a night.

By the way, if you haven't let me know for sure that you are "cruising" with us in September, call me tomorrow!! I am putting a group plan together as we are getting more numbers. Yahoo!!

Tomorrow: walking, lunch, hair, church and chapter 4.

Oh, by the way, click on to and vote for The Hugs Project in the Pepsi contest. They have a chance to win $50,000 and that would pay the postage to send 6,000 boxes to our troops for Christmas. You can vote every day until the end of the month. (Don't vote for anyone else as that weakens our votes.) Thanks.

Good news - I got an invitation today to make a brief presentation to the ERW on Monday about the books for Haiti. Hope we sell tons!! Also had an email a short time ago about a lady who wants to write a story about our book sales. I am so grateful. Keep praying for these precious children.

And to all a good night...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 8 -The New Book

I finally figured out what I was struggling with so hard yesterday - in the middle of the night, of course. When I got to the office this morning and quit fighting with the way things were moving on this new book, it really took off. I have pretty well finished the first two chapters today. At least the first draft is completed. I read some more of Nick Daws book last night and found some very insightful information about research and free writing. As much as I hate to admit it, he is right. :) When the outlines are in place, the free writing is much easier. I did not, however, manage to write as rapidly as he predicted. I have worked most of today on these two chapters. That is okay. At this rate, I should be right on target for my 28 day completion. Yeah!

Still getting emails about the cruise. Hope you will get in touch and go with us. Right now, I will go on either one of them if one other person will go with me. I am ready for the reward and I know I will be by April and/or September.

While I am thinking of it, please don't forget to share the book sale with your friends. We still have a ways to go to reach our goal for the Haiti children and we don't want to not make it. Please, do what you can to help. Thanks

Enough for tonight. Thanks for hanging in there with me throughout all of this. It is motivating to me to know that someone is expecting me to produce at least something, every day on this new book. I really appreciate your time in reading my blog.

Have a great evening!! (It is snowing again!!)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 7 - The New Book

I remember my husband saying to me years ago that it was Sunday and I needed to take a day off. He said that even God took one day off a week. I also remember telling him that God was a great deal more organized than I was or He would have to work on Sunday too.

Of course, he was right and he would have been right had he told me again today. After church I was right back at it and I should have backed off. It seems that nothing I did today was productive. I couldn't seem to get anything organized and nothing seemed to fit together in any way whatsoever. So. I am out of here.

I did get the plans for a "Cruise for Girls" started and I am very excited about that. If you knew how much I love to cruise, you would understand. It is, to me at least, the most peaceful vacation of all. That will be my reward for accomplishing my goal.

I have a sign in my kitchen that says to "Focus on the Treasures." That is what I am going to do tomorrow. I am going to take this outline, focus on the treasures, pull them all out and put together a dynamite book! Watch out world!! Here I come!!

We have lots of friends who need special prayers tonight, so when you say yours, please mention those that you may not know but that God knows needs His special love tonight. Thanks

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 6 - The New Book

There is so much material floating around in my head that if I don't write fast I am going to lose it! I don't want to forget something important and yet I know with so many topics to be covered I am going to have to be concise with my words. Of course, isn't that what a good speaker does???? How true the saying that you learn more when you teach than when you are the student.

I now have a 34 page outline and with the addition of the three pages of topical research I did today, it should be close to complete. I think it is time to start "free writing" and began to consolidate some of these ideas. I need to see where they are going and what needs to be deleted and/or added.

Fun, yes. Fatiguing, yes. And in the middle of all of this I have decided that all of the gals I know (and their friends that I don't know) need to get together in September and take a cruise to celebrate our collective birthdays. So look at your calendars and check September 12 to see if you can join us on a cruise out of Galveston, TX for 7 glorious days and nights. It is only $429!

We can all celebrate not only our birthdays but the new books that Beverly and I are writing.
How fun is that?!?!? Every goal should have a reward and I have just discovered mine.

Time to rest. Tomorrow is another busy day.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 5 - The New Book

Have you ever reached a point in your life when you think, "I just can't do this - especially now." After having worked through the outlines for the first thirteen chapter, I was beginning to feel that way and so I quit for the night, feeling just a little sorry for myself for all the work I have to do and all of the other things that need to be done as well. Then I flipped over to check my emails and this is what I found.

My college freshman roommate and I have recently reconnected and she sent me an email about an artist who does magnificent pencil drawings of animals. I was thoroughly enjoying looking at them but keep thinking about what she had said at the beginning..."read the last part of the email." So, I did. The artist is named Doug Landis and his work is known as Mouth Art because he has no hands. He does all of his fabulous drawings with his pencil in his mouth. Check him out on the Internet. You will be glad you did.

That was today's inspiration. The end of the email said: "We find excuses for not doing things because of imperfect facilities but where there is a will there is a way."

The first draft of the first thirteen chapters is completed and the rough draft for the last eight chapters are well on their way. Yes, I am tired. But I do have the will and I will find the way.

Stay tuned. We will have a new book soon.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 4 - The New Book

Interesting day. I read more of the guide today and got into how to break the topic into chapters and the chapters into sub topics and then turn the sub topics into questions and then use three words or phrases to answer each question. Whew!! That was a mouthful and that is how I felt after reading all of that information. I am glad Daws said that a lot of people have a tendency to skip this part of the preparation and "Don't!" because it will make the final version flow much better and be easier to write. Honestly, if he had not said "Don't" I probably would have skipped it. I am a pretty good off the cuff writer and usually organize in my head before I start writing. However, I pledged to try this technique and I am going to stick with it.

Most of this evening I have spent going over research materials. I have researched this topic for probably two decades and I wanted to see if any of it is still valid enough to use at this date and time. Still not sure. I have lots more to review.

Long days and then I dream about this book at night. Fun though and I would recommend it to anyone. It is a wonderful experience.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 3 - The New Book

Today was a challenge. I knew that Section IV of the outline was going to be the most tedious and I suppose I was postponing it because I kept coming up with something that "had" to be done today.

I had lunch with a good friend and encouraged her to start writing the book she is dreaming of, delivered preemie quilts to three hospitals, got my hair fixed, wrote a book review for CBA, delivered some more sets of books that were sold to raise money for Haiti, played with Tiki and waited patiently for Robert to come in from El Reno so that we could go out to eat.

Did you see any writing in there? Wellllllllll I promised and I did it! I finished the draft of the outline tonight. It is eight pages long and pretty thorough. I think I have plenty to go to work on and the guideline book says that at this point I am suppose to take a break and then we begin to write. That means tomorrow. Yeah! The fun part is about to start.

By the way, the book I reviewed this month is really good. It is by Donna Partow and is called "Making Money From Home." You might want to check it out in your local Christian book store soon. I think you will find it worth your time.

Time to watch the news and see if more snow is in the forecast.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 2 - The New Book

Bite size pieces...that really is the trick.

Most of the time when I am writing I marathon and am totally wiped out by the time I am finished. This time I am doing it in bite size pieces and it is is still happening.

Today I took the 147 bits of information and began to put them into like sections. It looks like the book will be broken down into four sections with numerous topics under each section. Of course much work is left to be done on getting the wording right on titles, but it is started.

The first three sections are pretty well outlined. The needs more work. I know what it will contain but it will have to wait until tomorrow.

Tonight, I am going to bed. Sweet dreams to all and to all a good night.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 1 - The New Book

Beverly and I started our 18 day project today. We have pledged to use Nick Daws' book "How To Write A Book In 28 Days or Less" and write a book in the month of February...i.e. 28 days.

This was Day 1. I read through Module One and decided to write a book based on the communication skills class I have taught at Oklahoma Christian University for the last 15 years. It is designed to help very talented young people get a job and turn it into a career. The head of the department has really encouraged me to put the ideas that I have used in that class, into a workable format for the students of the future.

So, I am trying.

Today I sat down and started writing ideas from my class that I want to cover in the book. I came up with 147 different "thoughts." Tomorrow I will start trying to put them in some semblance of order.

I have a working title: "How To Get and Keep A Job"
Subtitle: ____ Steps to Turn Your Job Into A Career

Daws' book said to brainstorm for 15 minute...when I looked up it had been almost an hour! Wow!! It was fun and amazing...just the way I have taught all these years and yet never though about applying it to bite at a time. "You can even eat an elephant, if you will eat it one bite at a time."

Tomorrow should be interesting too. Check back each day and I will keep you posted.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Please...Help Me Help The Children Of Haiti

A friend of ours, Larry Young, goes to Haiti once a year with his daughter and son-in-law, to work with an orphanage and the children there. They do health care, they have built the orphanage and were in the process of building a school and church when the earthquake hit. The school and church are gone. Our children are okay...but very short of supplies and are sharing what they have with those who have less or none.
I have chosen to sell the books that I have written over the years at less than half price and give ALL of that money to "Hope for Haiti's Children" as that is the group that Larry works with and I will know for sure that the money will go directly to those children and their needs, rather than to some administrative costs. (You can see information about their work at
I have five books that I have put together in a package. The original value of this package is $51.00. I am going to sell the entire package for $25.00 each (which includes postage and handling.) ALL of the money (with the exception of the postage and handling - which is about $5.00) will go directly to these children through Larry and the foundation.
Please help! If you have watched any of the news channels or have read any of the reports, then you know why this is touching my heart so deeply. I have attached (to my web site an article I wrote (Debbie's Story), based on the reports from Haiti and what is going on. You may share this email and her story with any one you know and, please do. If you know of any group or organization that might help, please share it with them too. My goal is to raise at least $5000 before the first of March.
The five books are as follows:
"101 Simple Ways to be Good To Yourself" - hardback - originally sold for $12.95 and is a book about how to discover peace and joy in your life. (Sorry the paperback version of this book is already sold out.)
"101 Ways To Enjoy Life's Simple Pleasures" - hardback and paperback originally sold for $12.95 and $7.95, respectively, and is described as a gift for you and others who need to re-discover life's simple pleasure.
AND three cookbooks:
"15 Minute Recipes"
"15 Minute Diet Recipes"
"31 Quick and Easy, Snazzy Meals," all of which originally sold for $6.00.
The "15 Minute Recipes" was written because Robert came to me when I was working on my dissertation and said that he thought we should turn the kitchen into a library. He said that the oven would make a great bookcase and it seemed such a shame to have such a large room in the house that never got used. Tacky, as I thought he was, I did a time management study on myself and found out that "if" I was going to cook, I had about 15 minutes to do so. Thus, the 15 minute cookbook I wrote for myself and ended up selling thousands to others in the same boat. Some of the recipes require longer than that too cook, but nothing requires more than 15 minutes of the cook's time.
When that book began selling so well, people began to come to me and saying that they needed a "diet" version. So, I wrote another book..."15 Minute Diet Recipes."
The next year, I began hearing from customers wanting to know about the newest volume! I didn't know that I was in the business to write cookbooks...but trying to be helpful...I put together "31 Quick and Easy, Snazzy Meals." This book takes you through 31 days of meals...the menu, the shopping list and all the recipes. It even has a One Hour Thanksgiving Dinner and it works!! Believe me, I have done it.
So that is it. That is what you get for the $25.00, but mostly what you get is the knowledge that we have all done something..even if it is something small..for those precious children in Haiti.
If you would rather order any one or more of the books or sets in volume, let me know and we will work out the postage. The hardback volumes I am selling for $6.00 each, the paperback for $4.00 and the cookbooks for $2.00 each. I have had a number of people buy 10 and 20 books of one or the other for birthday, Mother's Day, Father's Day, graduation, wedding, special occasions and/or Christmas gifts. Maybe this would work for you too. That way you can get a bargain on a special gift and help the children as well.
PLEASE, help me to help the children. Send your checks to: Donna Watson, P. O. Box 3835, Edmond, OK 73083 ALONG with YOUR address and I will get them in the mail to you ASAP. The weather is lousy right least it is this would be a good day to sit down and get that check in the mail. Please don't wait. These children need our help NOW. (By the way, mark your check for a "Haiti donation" and they are suppose to be tax deductible for either 2009 or 2010.)
Thank you and may God bless you for your kind and loving hearts.

PS I am writing an entire new book in the month of Feb and will be updating my blog and/or website daily. This should be and see if I make it!

Friday, January 15, 2010

I Can't Stop Praying!

The devastation in Haiti has about done me in! I have watched the news almost like I did for OKC and NY when we were attack. Of course, this was nature and a different element in that aspect, but the massive destruction and the helplessness of the situation is just so apparent.

Our Sunday School class helps to support an orphanage in Haiti and it is our understanding that all the children in our particular school are okay. PTL! But the new school, the church and no telling how many families in that area are gone. At last report most of the administrators had not been able to reach the children and so who knows about their food, water and health situations. A group of our friends were to leave today to go down to finish that school. Maybe some day they can start over. (This is a picture of one of our little girls. Her name is Ruth Derisme and she is about 9 years old.)

I know we are all so busy that some days it is hard to find time to breath, but, please, take a moment or two each day for a long while and asked for God's special blessings for what has to be accomplished to help those that can still be helped.

Thank you. We are such a blessed people and such a blessed country, in spite of all of our challenges, that we must never, never forget to thank God for those blessings and remember others who are not so fortunate.

PS For those who have not heard. We had two earthquakes in OK today. They were about 20 miles from 4.0 and one 3.5. We did not feel them but apparently a lot of people did.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


What a year 2009 was! In fact, the last two or three have had a special collection of challenges, but I am excited about 2010 and know that it is going to be a great year! After all, here it is only the 6th day of January and I am back on line with my blog, my new web site in on line and I have already written and submitted eight new articles, queried one more and have been accepted as a book review writer for CBA! WOW! If this is a touch of 2010 I don't know if I can stand it.

In addition to all of that, I have a new book written by Nick Daws entitled "How To Write A Book in 28 Days" and since this year's calendar says that, once again, February is going to have 28 days, my writing friend, Beverly Dillow, and I are going to try it! Stay tuned for the progress reports. You won't want to miss this.

By the way, how about that wonderful looking family. Except for Tracey, and our puppy, Tiki, I am now "officially" the shortest one in the family. Keith was about my height in this picture a year ago, but this year he has outgrown not only me, but his mother as well.

Let me give you a quick rundown. In the "red" is Tracey and her son Kelsey. In the "blue" is Kristie and her hubby, Stephen and their two sons, Kris (with his friend, Jenn) and Keith. Robert and I are in "yellow," and, of course, our sweet baby, Tiki, is in black.

We felt reasonably sure that Christmas of 2008 would be Mom's last Christmas with us here on earth and she was not strong enough to come to our home, so we spent Thanksgiving taking family portraits and crazy family pictures and then made an album for her to look at when she missed someone that day. She loved it and because of it, she could have us as close as she wanted every day during those last six months of her life.

Christmas without Mom this year was bitter- sweet. I know how much better place she is in and how happy she must be, but we missed her and her sweet personality and her love for each of us. She was quite a lady.

Gotta run. It is midnight and tomorrow is another exciting day to share with all those that we love so much. Take care and, please, do stay in touch.

Monday, January 4, 2010