Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 8 -The New Book

I finally figured out what I was struggling with so hard yesterday - in the middle of the night, of course. When I got to the office this morning and quit fighting with the way things were moving on this new book, it really took off. I have pretty well finished the first two chapters today. At least the first draft is completed. I read some more of Nick Daws book last night and found some very insightful information about research and free writing. As much as I hate to admit it, he is right. :) When the outlines are in place, the free writing is much easier. I did not, however, manage to write as rapidly as he predicted. I have worked most of today on these two chapters. That is okay. At this rate, I should be right on target for my 28 day completion. Yeah!

Still getting emails about the cruise. Hope you will get in touch and go with us. Right now, I will go on either one of them if one other person will go with me. I am ready for the reward and I know I will be by April and/or September.

While I am thinking of it, please don't forget to share the book sale with your friends. We still have a ways to go to reach our goal for the Haiti children and we don't want to not make it. Please, do what you can to help. Thanks

Enough for tonight. Thanks for hanging in there with me throughout all of this. It is motivating to me to know that someone is expecting me to produce at least something, every day on this new book. I really appreciate your time in reading my blog.

Have a great evening!! (It is snowing again!!)


  1. Donna! How exciting! Two chapters already! Yay! Don't stop now! I'll catch up eventually. You are my inspiration!

  2. You go, girl!! You are off to a fabulous start, and the book-writing alone is going to be a great story! Bless ya!
