Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 22 & 23 -The New Book

Okay, I will admit that I skipped another day or two and now have written almost solid for two days and have not blogged. Sorry. Sometimes I have to catch up and in this case I had to get Robert off on a trip...that is why I am now batching and working. I am still within my 28 days schedule if I count only work days and I am.

I have finished and edited Section I and it has gone to another editor. (Read fast, Rita, I have the next section almost ready for you!) Section II editing was finished by me today and I got half of it on the computer tonight before I crashed. It is looking good, even if I do say so myself. I have about 25,000 words so far and still have to put four more "skills" on the computer and all of Section III. I finally reached the point a couple of days ago where I was ready to trash it and, fortunately, I know that for me that is a good point because it means that it is just on the verge of coming together. Thank the Lord, He helped me hang in there.

By the way, I need more people to read through the manuscript and correct and/or edit the material. It takes several readings to be sure that nothing is missed. If any of you are willing to help, let me know. You can make a note on my blog or email me. I would really appreciate it. I am so very, very grateful to Rita...a very busy lady...for volunteering to help. Thanks a million!

I think Tiki thinks it is time for us to give it up for the day and I want to close things down so I can Skype with my hubby for a while. Once again, I appreciate all of you for hanging in there with me throughout this process and keeping me going.

Have a great weekend and don't forget to change your clocks!!

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