Tuesday, January 5, 2010


What a year 2009 was! In fact, the last two or three have had a special collection of challenges, but I am excited about 2010 and know that it is going to be a great year! After all, here it is only the 6th day of January and I am back on line with my blog, my new web site in on line and I have already written and submitted eight new articles, queried one more and have been accepted as a book review writer for CBA! WOW! If this is a touch of 2010 I don't know if I can stand it.

In addition to all of that, I have a new book written by Nick Daws entitled "How To Write A Book in 28 Days" and since this year's calendar says that, once again, February is going to have 28 days, my writing friend, Beverly Dillow, and I are going to try it! Stay tuned for the progress reports. You won't want to miss this.

By the way, how about that wonderful looking family. Except for Tracey, and our puppy, Tiki, I am now "officially" the shortest one in the family. Keith was about my height in this picture a year ago, but this year he has outgrown not only me, but his mother as well.

Let me give you a quick rundown. In the "red" is Tracey and her son Kelsey. In the "blue" is Kristie and her hubby, Stephen and their two sons, Kris (with his friend, Jenn) and Keith. Robert and I are in "yellow," and, of course, our sweet baby, Tiki, is in black.

We felt reasonably sure that Christmas of 2008 would be Mom's last Christmas with us here on earth and she was not strong enough to come to our home, so we spent Thanksgiving taking family portraits and crazy family pictures and then made an album for her to look at when she missed someone that day. She loved it and because of it, she could have us as close as she wanted every day during those last six months of her life.

Christmas without Mom this year was bitter- sweet. I know how much better place she is in and how happy she must be, but we missed her and her sweet personality and her love for each of us. She was quite a lady.

Gotta run. It is midnight and tomorrow is another exciting day to share with all those that we love so much. Take care and, please, do stay in touch.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are back! I've missed you. I will be checking in on a regular basis. Can't wait to see what things you come up with next!
