Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 19 - The New Book

Another productive day! PTL!! In spite of the fact that we had three thirteen year-olds here all night and a dinner party to attend, I still got my chapter written. In fact, I wrote an entire chapter on NLP (Neuro-Linquistic Programming) - a very interesting communication technique and about half of the chapter on How To Handle Difficult People. These are two more of the steps toward becoming the professional who will stand out in the crowd.

It was "gray" here again today. My cousin, Mike, in CA didn't help much by telling me how beautiful it was out there. Thanks, Mike!! What he doesn't know is that I may pack up and move into his spare bedroom to finish this book if we don't get some sunshine soon!

We had three precious young men at our house last night. After our dinner we picked them up and went out to Braum's for dessert. They are sweet guys and we had fun. Keith, our youngest grandson, was one of them, and two of his buddies. They are always welcome at our home. We will probably see a lot of them this summer when the pool opens. Last year was a pretty slim yard activity year as Keith had a broken arm for most of the summer and I spent most of it with my Mom before she passed away. The two older grandsons were working, so we didn't see much of them either. Time moves on so rapidly.

Robert says that it is time for me to good night all. Thanks for joining me and thanks more than you will ever know, for all the encouraging words.

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