Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 21 - The New Book

Sunshine!!! and I have been in the office all day!! What is wrong with me?!?!?

I am excited. I wrote the final chapter for Section II today. If I have time after the fish fry tonight, I am going to start editing. I want to get Sections I & II pretty well finished before I attack the three chapters of Section III. I am hoping that it reads smoother than my memory is reporting to me right now!! I can't even tell you the word count or pages at the point because I have done so much revamping but in a day or two that will be good to go. Yeah!!!

Not only do I have this large corporation to talk with next week, and the University to present to, I now have a magazine editor who contacted me today and asked to look at the book when I am ready to share it. I am so blessed!! Thank you Lord!!! It is so wonderful to know that all of this work will not have been in vain. Of course I am not assured that any of them will like it, but that part is in the Lord's hands. I will do my work and the rest is up to Him.

Thought I would write early tonight as I need to get ready for the dinner and I have had a very productive day: the book review is in for the month, Sections I & II are rough drafted and all the reservations are in - so far - from the gals who are going on the cruise. Whew!! I will enjoy that fish tonight!!

Take care and stay in touch....see you tomorrow.

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