Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 16 - The New Book

It was cold and windy again today. I am still ready to move to Hawaii if I could just talk my hubby into going.

It was a cold and windy day but an interesting one. I had an opportunity to do a guest lecture at Oklahoma Christian University and I spoke on some of the material from my new book. I went through the section on searching for a job, designing a Resume, writing a cover letter and putting together your first impression look. This was a group of art design students and since I was aware that they are predominately visual, I decided to begin the class with a 15 minute visual study of getting an interview.

"Sad Sally," "Big Bertha," and I all attempted to obtain an interview. Surprisingly enough, I was the only one who succeeded. It was fun and I think that the students picked up a lot of good ideas in a very short time.

If the reactions of the students and the lead professor, their note taking and their questions, were any indication, I think I am on track with this new book. That is exciting to see.

As usual, I gave it everything I had to give and I am very, very tired tonight. I tried to do some research and began work on a new chapter, but I have to give it up. Guess that means I will have to double up tomorrow.

My new book review came in today also, so I get to add that to the "to do" list. Isn't it fun! I love it when the "to do" list gets so long that I run out of paper or it falls off of the desk.

I am getting giddy. It is time to get some rest. I slept in the den last night because Robert was out of town and the heater in our bedroom went out. The den - even the couch - felt better than that 51 degree bedroom. Our bed will feel wonderful tonight.

I am going to carefully post this before I get careless and erase it like I did a few minutes ago. I am excited about having another wonderful and productive day tomorrow. Thank you for hanging in there and supporting me in this effort.

Here is to another blessed day from our Lord. Good night.

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