Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 24 -The New Book

Four more working days to go. I am getting there. The first editing of Section I is finished and on the computer and Section II is currently going through it first editing (other than me). They will, of course, be read several more times before the publisher edits it, but I like to have it as slick as possible when I submit it. Rita has done a dynamite job editing for me and helping me get someone to help with my home. You will never convince me that prayers don't work. I was just about at my wits end when she suggested that maybe her daughter would like to help me. She is a doll and has saved my life. Thank you so much Kelci and by the way, if you can come Monday, I would love it.

I spent a great deal of time today working on Section III. I did add a little information to the Budgeting Skill in Section II, but most of my time today was spent on the first two chapters of Section III about presentation skills. These are the skills that can put you on the competitive edge and give you the boost it takes to make it to the top. They are rare and few people have them or are willing to develop them. That is what makes them so special.

It was such a beautiful day yesterday that I did get out for a bit and went to a couple of bookstores to check out the competition not only for this book but for the next two ideas that I am working on. It looks pretty good. The best books I could find on job hunting have nothing in them about advanced skills or presentation abilities. Yes! We are standing out in the crowd!

It has been a long day once again and I think I will give myself a break and read a little. Oh yes, the April, 2010 issue of CBA Magazine has my "Help Those Authors Sell Those Books" article in it and my book review. It was fun to see it. Even after all the years that I have been writing and publishing, it has never stopped exciting me to see my articles in publications or my books on the shelf of a bookstore. I am in awe of what the Lord has helped me do and I shall be eternally grateful.

By the way...snow tomorrow. Here we go again. The first day of Spring and "Gray skies and raindrops and snow up to the rooftops...." Oh well.... Today was beautiful and we had dinner on the patio. Stephen and Kris got our yard ready for Spring and we couldn't resist cooking out and eating in the fresh air. How fun.

Tomorrow back to the office. I think I will let it snow for the next two days all on its own. I don't think I will even watch.


  1. Love your article in the magazine and your book review....good job!

  2. What fun it is to get to be a part of this 'little' project! :D

    Wow!! Clean-up inside and out this past must be feeling very refreshed!!

    Here's to a fabulous finish!!!!!!!!
