Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 13 - The New Book

Okay, I am giving in. This was taken at our Valentine dinner last night. The food was served on a three tiered tray with the meat on the bottom, the veggies in the middle and the desert on top. We had already had soup and salad. The best part was the good looking man on the left.

Inspirations is a lovely restaurant and they also gave me a beautiful long stem red rose. Of course it doesn't hurt that our daughter, Kristie, is the assistant manager there.

It was a wonderful evening. Between that and the wonderful sunshine today, I didn't get much done. (I even got out of the house without a jacket on!!) I had to "make hay while the sun shines," as they say as tomorrow it rains and snows and the bottom is suppose to fall out of the temperature.

I did work a little on Chapter Five (not enough) and studied our guide book some more about editing and publishing. I have so many things that I want to get out, that I am particularly interested in that section. I know, I just need to get it done. That and my exercise are not my two best discipline areas. If I do decide to start speaking again, I must have my book(s) available to the attendees. It is so hard not to spend time on what I really love to do and that is write.

Tomorrow is church and then I WILL head to the office. I guess I took my one day off for the week today. (Thank you Lord for the rest.) I still have 15 days left and I have 17 chapters and the editing to do...gonna have to step up the pace!! If I write 10 pages a day, I will still have a couple of days to do the editing, although there will not be as much as there could be because I do a lot along the way. (I know, I am not suppose to, but old habits are hard to break.) Keep encouraging me! I need it!!!

I did get some information figured out for the writers conference in CA today. I am very excited about attending that. I also talked with a few about the cruise. (Come on...we need some more of you to go!!) So all in all it was a pretty productive day...just not for the book. I will do better tomorrow, I promise.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing great!!! I may have to make March my month....things aren't going as well for me. :) I want to see you do it and then I will do it the next month.

    I didn't know Kristie was asst. manager at Inspirations! How neat is that?

    Jim and I went out tonight at a nice steak house in Odessa. It was very good. I then showed him the red Escalade I spotted, but it was $74,000. I don't think I can talk him into it though. Oh well, I don't need one anyway, do I?

    Go girl!!!
