Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 9 -The New Book

Chapter No. 3 - rough draft - is in the can. It was a long chapter about self esteem and needs a lot of editing, but the rough draft is finished! Yes! Interesting how it sometimes turns out so different from the original plan. It begins to take on a life of its own.

The snow finally melted today and tomorrow must be errand day so we can have another snow on Thursday. It was beautiful with the sun shining and I was still begrudging the cold until I talked to the CBA editor this morning in Colorado Springs and found out it was 10 degrees. Suddenly 25-33 sounded pretty warm.

Pretty good day all in all. I got my book review submitted for the month, fixed a couple of meals (or maybe that was yesterday), did some laundry, played with Tiki, talked to some really excited ladies about the "Girl's Cruise" and got the third chapter done. I feel good. Time to read my Bible and call it a night.

By the way, if you haven't let me know for sure that you are "cruising" with us in September, call me tomorrow!! I am putting a group plan together as we are getting more numbers. Yahoo!!

Tomorrow: walking, lunch, hair, church and chapter 4.

Oh, by the way, click on to http://www.refresheverything.com/TheHugsProject and vote for The Hugs Project in the Pepsi contest. They have a chance to win $50,000 and that would pay the postage to send 6,000 boxes to our troops for Christmas. You can vote every day until the end of the month. (Don't vote for anyone else as that weakens our votes.) Thanks.

Good news - I got an invitation today to make a brief presentation to the ERW on Monday about the books for Haiti. Hope we sell tons!! Also had an email a short time ago about a lady who wants to write a story about our book sales. I am so grateful. Keep praying for these precious children.

And to all a good night...

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