Friday, June 11, 2010

A Big Day

Life is movin' on and it is good!! Today I received a contract from a publisher who wants my new book, "How To Get and Keep A Job"! Decisions! Decisions! You better stay tuned as things are popping faster than I can blog about them.

I am going to a big convention and will have an opportunity to do a great deal of networking. I think it will be such fun. I love meeting new people with whom I can share experiences and growth. (Of course, Robert is excited because he will get to see three St. Louis Cardinal games while we are gone. That is the cat's meow for him!)

Rita and I have the first draft of "Tough Times Don't Last But Tough Women Do" ready to submit to a publisher and/or agent. We had set our deadline for June 17th but made it yesterday afternoon. Wahoo!! Please check our new website frequently for updates of what is happening. We got the article selection back from our editing committee earlier this week and didn't see any reason to wait. I know that must have been a really "tough" job for them as we have so many, many wonderful and heartwarming stories. Oh well, we have five more books in the cooker and they can look at the ones that were not chosen for this book and find which of the upcoming books they will fit in best.

By the way, we are needing more stories, so please go to the new website and check out the guidelines so that you, too, can be a part of this wonderful sharing opportunity. We need stories for many different topics. Look at the book titles and their descriptions and share your challenging experiences along with some wonderful advice as to how you lived through it with God's help. You may never know, your story may be the very one someone needs when they pick up that book. God is so good at putting things in the right places at the right time.

Oh yes, while you are at our website at, don't forget to sign up for the Joy Thoughts. I love getting that little bit of sunshine in my inbox a couple of times a week and I know you will enjoy them too. much for today. How wonderful to have just one exciting day after another. The Lord is Good!!

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