Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 18 - The New Book

Yes, I know. It has actually been two weeks and two days between Day 17 and Day 18. A number of things happened. First of all, my computer crashed and had to visit the computer guru for 12 days and while it was in the hospital Robert and I took off for what we had hoped would be a little R & R and some nice warm weather. But, alas, we found a snow storm and very cold winds. I am destined to be cold!!

I wanted to write about our little trip on my laptop but decided it wasn't a good idea to reveal that we were out of I waited.

We have a dear friend (a HS & college classmate of Robert's) that has Stage 4 metastatic lung cancer and we spent most of our time with him and his family. They are very special people and he and Robert have been sharing some precious time.

We did take off for the hill country of Texas for a few days to see the lakes and some sunshine and warm weather. We got as far as Waco before a white out blizzard stopped us. Since we had to stop driving we decided to take advantage of the stay over and see some of their the Texas Rangers Museum and the Dr. Pepper Museum. Of course, they were closed because of the weather. We drove around a bit and finally went to the hotel and watched the Olympics.

The next morning we did get to see the museums and then drove on to Marble Falls, TX where we planned on touring the lakes, playing a little golf and seeing Fredricksburg, TX. As it turned out it was too windy and too cold for much of anything except watching the Olympics.

Three days later we responded to a call to go back to our friend's home for another visit and we headed North.

Except for our visit with Jim and his family, we could have watched the Olympics at home a lot cheaper and a lot more comfortably!

Oh well. They can't all turn out wonderfully.

We are home, my computer is back and I am working once again. Therefore, if you will excuse the slight respite, I am now on Day 18 and today I did write an entirely new chapter. This one was about Aggression vs Assertion. I did some research while we were gone and I have revamped the entire book once again. I just couldn't make the original plan work and I think it is going to work out much better now.

The plan now is for it to have three sections: Section I is How To Get a Job; Section II is How To Keep A Job: ___ Steps Toward Professionalism; and Section III is How To Stand Out In a Crowd: Communication Skills That Work.

The exact number of steps is not known yet, but it will be at least 10 or 12 items such as Assertion vs Aggression; How To Handle Stress; Good Listening Skills; How To Live On a Budget; Neuro-Linquistic Programing, etc.

I have renewed energy and between catching up on the laundry, cleaning the house, running errands and playing with Tiki, I AM going to get this book finished on schedule!! Hang out and watch!!!

Would love to share more but got to get back to work...

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