Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 17 - The New Book

I think Tiki is getting a little tired of me being on the computer so much. Robert's laptop was sitting in the floor and she put her little toy heart right in the middle of the keyboard. So I quit working and played with her for a bit. She is so sweet and patient most of the time. She will come and lay right by my chair until she thinks I have been here long enough and then she demands that we play. She is good for me. Thank you Robert and thank you Lord.

I was on the computer early this morning. I sincerely planned to get two chapters finished today but - alas - life happened. I had to check out the tree trimmers for our neighborhood association and this kitchen of mine - I just can't seem to train it to stay clean. Oh well, it looks better and so does the laundry. Then when Robert finally got in tonight we took the time to discuss how soon we need to go see our very good friend in Dallas who was taken back to the hospital last night because of his stage 4 lung cancer. We also finally got around to planning some of his CEU class trips and my writing conference in CA. Oh yes, I also collected fabric for preemie quilts and the finished preemie quilts from our great quilting friends in Guthrie. The terrific quilting friends from Davis and Ringling will be bringing theirs up tomorrow. What an exciting time of month. Almost as exciting as when I get the privilege of delivering them.

You thinking...she didn't write today. Yes I did!! I finished Chapter Seven and have the material ready to start work on Chapter Eight tomorrow. These chapters are turning out so much longer than I had originally planned that I am not sure that I am going to be able to finish by the 28th, but I am going to give it a shot. I have already written 95 pages and 20,372 words and I am not half way through with the material. There is just so much that needs to be shared on this topic and it is so important to those who need the we all have at one time or another.

Tiki and I have about had it for the day. So if we can talk "Daddy" into joining us, we are going to call it a completed and successful day and start again tomorrow.

Sweet dreams to all of wonderful friends.

1 comment:

  1. ...on here catching up again. Sounds like such a full month for you!! Can't wait to read this book!!!!!!! I can tell it will be AWESOME!!!

    So... today is the 23rd.... hope all is grand with you! :D
