Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strengths, they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31 NIV

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 12 - The New Book

Today was truly a glorious day. The sun was shining and it was warm enough to walk outside without freezing for at least part of the day. We got Mom's store room cleaned out (filled up the garage, of course) and then my fantastic husband surprised me by taking me to Inspirations' Tea Room for a romantic Valentine dinner... chocolate covered cherries, roses and all. I would send you a picture, but he is just too good looking to share.

I completely rewrote Chapter Three today. It just didn't feel right and I did a major rewrite on it. It is so much better tonight and I am so relieved. Also completed the research for Chapter Five and got the introduction completed. Sometimes I have to get it on paper before the thoughts, and the way that they are fitting together, disappear. (Couldn't be anything about my age, could it? No! Just lots of wonderful ideas.)

I feel good about the way the book is moving along. I am anxious to finish it because I sincerely want to go back and finish another of my books titled "Help Me Lord, I Can't Be Everything To Everybody." I have been asked to share some information about doing Christian women's conferences and retreats and am seriously considering it. If I decide to pursue the idea, I will need to select a collection of topics. I think that book would be a good series. It is about time and stress management for Christian women in different seasons of their lives.

My writing and speaking friend, Beverly, thinks I should put together a series on communication and leadership skills for Christian women. What do you think? What is needed right now? I would love to hear from you.

Chapter Five is on the burner for tomorrow along with a lot of sunshine. It is supposed to snow again on Sunday and Thursday. We were talking about getting away for a few days, but so much for that. Like I said, winter is a good time to write in Oklahoma.

Until tomorrow....

1 comment:

Beverly Dillow said...

What a productive day! You have so much energy. :)
And to the Tea Room on top of all that. How much better can it be?