Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strengths, they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31 NIV

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 15 - The New Book

How could I have forgotten to share with you my very special experience yesterday afternoon. Our oldest grandson, Kris, called and asked me if I would help him put together a very special Valentine for - what appears to be - a very special young lady. (Did I say, "very special" three times? Oh well, that is what happens when you get tired and besides they were all three "very special" moments.)

He came over and I helped him find the material to put together a large Valentine with all of the memorable items that he had collected during the times that they have been dating. Wow!! No one ever did that for me!! The best I got was a duplicate valentine from last year because Robert liked the wording so much he just gave it to me again. That is kind of neat, too, you know.

Back to the book...Chapter Six is rough drafted and printed. I am sure that it will need a lot of work, but so far the proofer I have working for me (my hubby) is not finding an over abundance of mistakes, for which I am very grateful. So far I have only totally rewritten one chapter. I think that is pretty awesome. Of course, I do a lot of rewriting as I go and it is pretty well outlined before I hit the keys. Even though that is not what Nick Daws calls "freewriting" and certainly is not as fast as "freewriting," it works for me and I guess that is what it is all about.

Tomorrow is quilt collection day and I am scheduled to guest lecture at Oklahoma Christian in the afternoon, so writing will have to wait for the evening. I am going to put my research in order before I go to sleep so that it will go pretty rapidly. I am getting into some of my more knowledgeable subjects like time management and stress management, so it will be fun.

It was very cold today. Robert is doing a free clinic tomorrow and I know that he will read this blog before he goes to sleep, so, Honey, sweet dreams and remember how much I love you.

Tomorrow will be another wonderful day.

PS The book sales went well today at the ERW meeting and I got a call tonight for five more sets. Yea!! Money for rice for the kids of Haiti!!!

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