Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strengths, they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31 NIV

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 6 - The New Book

There is so much material floating around in my head that if I don't write fast I am going to lose it! I don't want to forget something important and yet I know with so many topics to be covered I am going to have to be concise with my words. Of course, isn't that what a good speaker does???? How true the saying that you learn more when you teach than when you are the student.

I now have a 34 page outline and with the addition of the three pages of topical research I did today, it should be close to complete. I think it is time to start "free writing" and began to consolidate some of these ideas. I need to see where they are going and what needs to be deleted and/or added.

Fun, yes. Fatiguing, yes. And in the middle of all of this I have decided that all of the gals I know (and their friends that I don't know) need to get together in September and take a cruise to celebrate our collective birthdays. So look at your calendars and check September 12 to see if you can join us on a cruise out of Galveston, TX for 7 glorious days and nights. It is only $429!

We can all celebrate not only our birthdays but the new books that Beverly and I are writing.
How fun is that?!?!? Every goal should have a reward and I have just discovered mine.

Time to rest. Tomorrow is another busy day.

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