Sunday, February 3, 2008

39 And Holding!

I can remember when I could claim to be "39 and Holding," but suddenly my daughter caught up with me and that didn't work so well. That is kind of like going to a class reunion. No matter how much you pretend to be younger than all of those "old" people, it is amazing how many of the same stories you recognize! Yes, I am WAY behind on my blogs but I am committed to catching up and the first story has to be about my 50th class reunion last summer. Actually it was my first 50th class reunion - my second one will be this summer. I know that is confusing and I am really not senile, yet, it is just that I skipped my junior year in high school and "actually" graduated with the class ahead of me. However, I went all the way through school with the class that is having the reunion this summer, so I still claim them too.

Truth be known, it was great fun to see everyone. We shared memories that I had not thought of in 50 years. I even found out how upset the FFA guys were with me on the trip to El Paso when I was their sweetheart. It seems that I went off with someone else for a while and didn't spend my entire time with them and that didn't go over so well. I also found out that there was a place outside of town where apparently a lot of them partied during that time. I didn't know about it until last summer!! Was I innocent or what?!?!?

As I am growing older I am realizing more and more each day that it is not the "things" that we are going to leave to our children and friends that matter, it is the memories. It is all of the shared laughter and tears. It is the being there for each other and seeing things through each others eyes. That is what really matters. I have some really good friends. I am so blessed. When people have known you for 50 years and they still like you. That is special.

I had many friends who were upset with me because I chose to graduate early. The thing that impressed me most was the the class I moved into never suggested that I "didn't belong" or that I wasn't "really" a part of their class. They have always treated me just like I was one of them. I really appreciated that and still do. Thank you guys.

We have all gone our separate ways. Not many of my classmates still live in Fort Stockton, where we grew up. There are not many things that are still the same, but even though we were a small town and a small class, the good memories are huge. Solid friends will always be the best. Some people avoid their reunions. I wouldn't have missed mine for the world!

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