Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I walked down the aisle with a very charming young man 50 years ago this summer and it wasn't a church aisle and it wasn't my husband. It was Thomas Armstrong and we were walking down the aisle of the Fort Stockton High School auditorium in Fort Stockton, Texas. We were graduating. I can remember thinking that no one ever lived long enough to celebrate their 50th reunion - anyone that old must be beyond dead! I am.

Robert and I are heading to Fort Stockton Thursday for that big celebration. Now before you start trying to figure out how old I am, realize that I graduated a year early so I am "not nearly as old" as those others I am going to celebrate with. :)

As with most reunion goers, I have been cutting back on the food and walking a lot since January. (Actually it is because of wanting to stay healthy.) But I still have a challenge with anyone who doesn't agree that chocolate is one of the major food groups. A friend told me the other day that if you put a crouton on your sundae instead of a cherry, it would count for a salad. I like that friend - a lot!

Since I am back to writing again, I am taking a gift package of one or two of my books along with my blog site address and some information that Robert and I have put together about the Cruise For Seniors that we are sponsoring for September, 2008. (Another reunion advernture!) I hope they enjoy them.

Would love to hear about your reunion sometime. Were you the youngest one there? How fun to renew old acquaintances. I'll tell you all about it when I get back.

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