Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Half way around the world...

                                        "This is Angel.  She and her husband, Barack, live in Arusha, Tanzania, E. Africa.  Both Angel and Barack are handicapped.  They have been studying the Bible with some missionaries, Stephanie and Allie, and their translator.  They would like to be able to attend church at the Arusha Church of Christ, but they don't make enough money to be able to afford the bus fare.  (A bus that accommodates handicapped people.)  Angel can sew, so Allie and Stephanie came up with the idea of supplying Angel with fabric and commissioning her to sew aprons.

Angel has made at least 30 aprons and we hope to commission her to do more.  Angel's aprons are $15 an apron.  If you have any interest in purchasing an apron, you can contact Allie's Mom - here in the states - at 580-799-1556. 

Angel was very happy and very appreciate to receive the adorable dress and sent her "Asanta Sana" - Thank you very much!"

This story is true.  I know...because I made that dress. 

"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."  Matthew 25:40
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