Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strengths, they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31 NIV

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I call it "Hope."


Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, 
the conviction of things not seen.

It is 36 degrees and this tree is in full bloom. 

Looking at this tree, it appears to be Spring, but when I check the weather and walk outside, it is obviously winter...or is it?  What are we to believe?  Do we simply believe what we can see and feel - even if they are opposites, or do we believe what we can prove in our minds?  Or, do we know to trust our hearts for it's wisdom and guidance, knowing that God abides there IF we allow Him in?

This tree looks like a cluster of carnations have been tied to every branch.  It is not what it appears to be.  It is not a cluster of carnations, but it's beauty could be very deceiving.  Life is often that way.  What we see on the outside of our friend's lives or what they see from the way we live, is not always the way things really are.

We may be the happy go-lucky, always smiling friend who is dying inside because their child in heavily into drugs or because we just lost our lifelong partner within the last six months.  Or we may be the one who looks at others and wonders why our life can't always be perfect like theirs.  Whoever we are and whomever they are....the one constant that we must have to survive is "Hope."  

Yes, it often is the conviction of things not seen and thus this tree.  It is April 24th.  We are well into Spring - according to the calendar.  This morning, however, I put on winter clothes and a jacket to run errands and it felt much more like winter.  I do believe though and when I look at this magnificent tree and it's clusters of "carnations," I know that whatever the state of mind that we are in, whatever our challenges of the day, whatever the future holds...there is hope.  God is our hope and He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  

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