Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strengths, they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31 NIV

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Friday, April 26, 2013

Laughing friends...

I have the privilege almost every day of posting a blog written by Dr. Virgil R. Trout.  He has been a minister for over sixty years and our friend for most of that time.  Robert meet him at church camp when he was only twelve and I first met Virgil and Gwen in Albuquerque when I was seventeen and a freshman at the University of New Mexico.  They are some of the dearest people we have ever know.  

This picture was taken the last time we had one of our "laughing lunches" and we are long past due.  I know some of you are saying, "what are 'laughing friends?"  Well....let me tell you. 

In 1994 I wrote a book called 101 Ways To Enjoy Life's Simple Pleasures.  In that book I wrote this article called "Laughing Friends."  It was about Virgil and Gwen and this is what it said:

"Friends are one of the great blessings of life.  They are there when you need them.  They listen and share and care, and if they have to, they step on your toes to help you stay on target. And some are laughing friends. 

Our laughing friends are Virgil and Gwen.  We have known them most of our lives and we know a lot about each other.  Maybe that is why it is so easy to laugh together.  They know why we do all the weird things that we do. 

When times get challenging, we call Virgil and Gwen.  We live ninety miles apart now, but that doesn't matter.  We make arrangements to meet and we have dinner and laugh.  They are so easy to laugh with.  That makes them very precious to us."

This article is just as true today as it was when I wrote it almost 20 years ago - with the exception of the mileage.  They are one of the greatest blessings of our life and we have been through a lot together.  They are always there to listen, to laugh, to cry and sometimes to just sit and hold our hands.  

It just doesn't get any better than that.   We love you guys....  

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I call it "Hope."


Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, 
the conviction of things not seen.

It is 36 degrees and this tree is in full bloom. 

Looking at this tree, it appears to be Spring, but when I check the weather and walk outside, it is obviously winter...or is it?  What are we to believe?  Do we simply believe what we can see and feel - even if they are opposites, or do we believe what we can prove in our minds?  Or, do we know to trust our hearts for it's wisdom and guidance, knowing that God abides there IF we allow Him in?

This tree looks like a cluster of carnations have been tied to every branch.  It is not what it appears to be.  It is not a cluster of carnations, but it's beauty could be very deceiving.  Life is often that way.  What we see on the outside of our friend's lives or what they see from the way we live, is not always the way things really are.

We may be the happy go-lucky, always smiling friend who is dying inside because their child in heavily into drugs or because we just lost our lifelong partner within the last six months.  Or we may be the one who looks at others and wonders why our life can't always be perfect like theirs.  Whoever we are and whomever they are....the one constant that we must have to survive is "Hope."  

Yes, it often is the conviction of things not seen and thus this tree.  It is April 24th.  We are well into Spring - according to the calendar.  This morning, however, I put on winter clothes and a jacket to run errands and it felt much more like winter.  I do believe though and when I look at this magnificent tree and it's clusters of "carnations," I know that whatever the state of mind that we are in, whatever our challenges of the day, whatever the future holds...there is hope.  God is our hope and He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

About me...

Who is Donna Watson and why do I blog?

Welcome to my blog!  It is exciting to know that through this blog I will be able to share some of the thoughts and ideas that have made such a difference in my life.  Each time I begin to speak or write I pray that the Lord will use me as an instrument of His peace and love.  I pray that this blog may somehow, through His grace, bring peace and love to those who read it.  I was probably one of those kids who was born talking and I should have known that I was going to spend my life attempting to communicate effectively when my mother put me in an "elocution" class at the age of 5.  By the time I was in high school I was acting in Shakespeare and when 16 hit I had my own radio show and was co-hosting several others.  Since that time I have written books, recorded albums and lectured all over North America, including 49 of the 50 states. As you can see from the colors in my blog, I am a great fan of this wonderful country that we call home. My fantastic husband, Robert, and I have traveled extensively throughout this land and we love every corner of it. We had the privilege of  raising two beautiful daughters and now have three incredible grandsons. LIFE IS GOOD

Half way around the world...

                                        "This is Angel.  She and her husband, Barack, live in Arusha, Tanzania, E. Africa.  Both Angel and Barack are handicapped.  They have been studying the Bible with some missionaries, Stephanie and Allie, and their translator.  They would like to be able to attend church at the Arusha Church of Christ, but they don't make enough money to be able to afford the bus fare.  (A bus that accommodates handicapped people.)  Angel can sew, so Allie and Stephanie came up with the idea of supplying Angel with fabric and commissioning her to sew aprons.

Angel has made at least 30 aprons and we hope to commission her to do more.  Angel's aprons are $15 an apron.  If you have any interest in purchasing an apron, you can contact Allie's Mom - here in the states - at 580-799-1556. 

Angel was very happy and very appreciate to receive the adorable dress and sent her "Asanta Sana" - Thank you very much!"

This story is true.  I know...because I made that dress. 

"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."  Matthew 25:40
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