Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strengths, they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31 NIV

Monday, November 14, 2011

Survival, I Think!

Back in February I was going to write a scenario about the challenges of moving. Perhaps the fact that you have not heard from me since then is its own best description.

Yes, we survived - I think. We are here. Furniture is in place and the pictures are finally up. The clothes are in the closet. The dishes are in the kitchen - most of them anyway. But the garage is still full! Our most popular household phrase is: "What is? It's in the garage."

One important thing I have learned from the move: life is short and some things are more important than instantly having all the boxes open. Things like going on a train ride with my hubby 2 days after the moving van arrived because it was a beautiful day and our anniversary. Or helping our daughter with a quick move she had to make. Or making time to help paint our grandson's apartment. Or going on a drive in the beautiful Ozark mountains just to see the fall leaves.

Everybody has different priorities of course, but right now mine are to make memories. The boxes - they will get unpacked - someday -maybe. But for today, think I will ride the golf cart with my fantastic husband.

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