Monday, November 14, 2011

Survival, I Think!

Back in February I was going to write a scenario about the challenges of moving. Perhaps the fact that you have not heard from me since then is its own best description.

Yes, we survived - I think. We are here. Furniture is in place and the pictures are finally up. The clothes are in the closet. The dishes are in the kitchen - most of them anyway. But the garage is still full! Our most popular household phrase is: "What is? It's in the garage."

One important thing I have learned from the move: life is short and some things are more important than instantly having all the boxes open. Things like going on a train ride with my hubby 2 days after the moving van arrived because it was a beautiful day and our anniversary. Or helping our daughter with a quick move she had to make. Or making time to help paint our grandson's apartment. Or going on a drive in the beautiful Ozark mountains just to see the fall leaves.

Everybody has different priorities of course, but right now mine are to make memories. The boxes - they will get unpacked - someday -maybe. But for today, think I will ride the golf cart with my fantastic husband.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How To Move Without Losing Your Mind!

Maybe the title of this should be: "How To Move Without Losing Your Mind - Or Your Husband's!"

Yes, we are moving - or sort of. We have bought a home in Branson, MO and we will be moving up there in the next few months but we will be keeping a condo in OK as during those next few months I am going to be blog about how to do all of this and survive at the same time.

So many of you followed me as I wrote a book last year in 26 days, I thought perhaps you would enjoy this process as here we go!

Robert and I were born in OK and have spent the majority of our lives as Okies. We love this part of the country and never thought we would live anywhere else. Of course, we both spent part of our childhood in Texas (me more than him) but ended up back in OK over 40 years ago. (How could it have been so long?!?!?) Toward the end of their lives, all four of our parents were here once again and so were our children.

Well...that has all changed. Our parents are all gone now and our children are in different states and last year Robert began to talk more consistently about completely retiring and things just began to evolve.

I finished writing How To Get and Keep A Job about the first of March in 2009. About that same time Rita Goad and I reconnected after they moved back to OK and the Lord lead us to this creative and ever expanding project of putting together books of stories and advice for Christian women from Christian women. (Check out

Both projects exploded about the same time and I (we) signed a contract for both books in June of that year. Little did I know what a year it was going to be.

Back to April: Robert and I decided to take a little holiday and went to Branson. On the way up there we began to talk about his retirement once again and that it would be nice for him to be very close to lakes (there are 5 very close to Branson) and lots of good golf courses, lots of good entertainment in a Christian atmosphere and since I can write anywhere I can get to a computer, where I am doesn't matter. (Except I very much prefer 'pretty'.)

Since we had a couple of free days while we were there...some interesting things began to happen....but that is for next time.

Hope you will join me on this journey. I think it will be fun and I "think" we will survive!!