Thursday, May 27, 2010

Life Is Exciting!!

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted!! Life is movin' on so fast I am having trouble keeping up!!

Since I last posted, I have started a new book with my dear friend, Rita Goad. It originally was to be a special little book of inspirational advice from women of faith to share with "friends they never knew." But never underestimate the Lord! He obviously had something else in mind! It quickly exploded and has since become a potential series of books because of not only the huge influx of writings but because of the great number of request for the books!!

It is now a series called "A Cup of Tea for the Heart" and there are blogs, ezines, connections to our Facebook and Twitter connection and much more on the new website: Please check it out. It is a fun place to be!

Instead of repeating the incredible story of what has happened in our new project on this blog, I am just going to direct you to the blog at You can read all about it. (Oh yes, be sure to sign up for the "Joy Thoughts." They are sooooo much fun!)

The new book I finished earlier this year has more potential than I ever imagined! It has already been requested by two schools and this is without me even trying to connect with anyone! It now looks as though it is going to be both a textbook and a handbook for the public. Wow! I cannot believe the response that I am getting from those who are previewing it. I am humbled.

We do have such an awesome God and it is so exciting to be in sinc with Him and His works.

Stay tuned!! This is just the beginning!!!