Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strengths, they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31 NIV

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Days 25 & 26 - The New Book

IT'S FINISHED! I got the first proofing back from Rita on Friday and put it all back on the computer and today, I finished writing Section III. I can't believe it!! Of course, there is always clean up work to do but that will not take long and then I will be sending it to Sue to check for mistakes one more time before I actually get to present it to the corporation here in town, the University and the editor who has requested to see it.

I am very excited and I am very tired. Yes, you can write a book in under 28 days...of work...but it is tough. It is especially tough if you are writing a book like mine with so much research and detail in it. I am glad I did it but it will be a while before a try another of this type.

I do have two more books in the works - but they will be co-authored with Rita and Beverly and we will have such fun putting them together. Stay tuned for details. We will be needing ALL of you to help.

Now on to the garage. I promised my hubby that it would be cleaned this Spring and with my Mom's stuff stored among our things, it will be a job. I did get through a number of her boxes this past weekend and it was a struggle. So many memories when you lose someone and try to put their entire life's history into only a few boxes.

Thank you more than you will ever know for your support during this project. Please come back and read my blog and website often. It won't be updated every day, but frequently. The website has some interesting things coming its way, too. You guys are terrific!!


Beverly Dillow said...

Yay! I am so proud of you! I can't wait to hear all the great things that are going to come from this book! Can't wait to read it!

You are very inspiring to me!

Rita said...


Congrats Dr. Watson!! You are amazing!! :D :D