Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strengths, they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31 NIV

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 20 -The New Book

I was a good girl. I took Sunday off. Well, sort of. If you can call Sunday School, Church, lunch, a political rally, research and a swollen leg which I had to keep elevated for numerous hours, taking the day off...I guess I did.

Guess what? It rained today!! Gray skies and raindrops.... I tried not to look. I just buried myself in this book and tried to get it in the order that it should be. I have not been comfortable with it and so today I tore it apart and put it back together again. I pulled out one entire chapter...which will make a great E-book on "Believing In Yourself" and made a final decision on the "Skills Section." There will be seven skills addressed and I pulled from and added to and rearranged material until I finally feel that it is flowing in a logical manner. I think. I hope. I really won't know for sure until I can read it straight through from beginning to end.

I did have some exciting interactions yesterday. I have an appointment next week with a large, international corporation that uses books for the basis of their training seminars. They are local and, as I understand, are partial to local authors. Yes! I am hoping to work out an arrangement whereby they will take this new book and use it not only for training but for promotional purposes as well. That would be exciting. My 101 Simple Ways To Be Good To Yourself book was used as a promotional book at one time by a large international corporation. It was fun working with them. Time will tell, but it certainly gave me one more incentive to stay on target and get this thing finished.

Time for a book review too. I wrote it today and as soon as it is it goes. This month I reviewed Howe and Foetisch's new book titled "Burdens Do a Body Good - Meeting Life's Challenges with Strength (and Soul).

We went to a wedding dinner at the Oklahoma Dental Foundation tonight. One of Robert's chair side assistants is getting married and it was fun sharing our wedding story with them. They are, by the way, getting married on my birthday...April is our great niece, Andrea. What a day!! Good way to forget how old I will be !!

Hopefully we will finalize our portion of the girl's cruise plans tomorrow. We may have others sign up later and that would be wonderful. So if any of you are still considering going with us...say yes and let's get it going.

It's late and I am tired...think I will visit with hubby, play with Tiki and call it a day.

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Beverly Dillow said...

How exciting Donna! I am so proud of you!!!!