Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strengths, they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31 NIV

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 10 - The New Book

Chapter Four - "Getting The Job You Want." Interesting how God works. I knew that this was the chapter that I needed to work on today and I spent most of the morning adding to the research. I didn't get to write until this evening and only got through about 1/4 of the topics (even though I wrote 10 pages) but it is well on it's way. I should be able to finish it tomorrow. I need to finish it tomorrow because I received a call from the University this afternoon asking me to do a guest lecture next Tuesday on "Getting The Job You Want." Would you believe?

I really need this book finished. They want to see it as soon as it is completed so that they can decide whether to approve it for a required reading next winter session. Twenty-one chapters minus four??? I still have a day or two of work to do! :)

We have so many friends in the hospital right now that it is hard to concentrate on other writing a book. I know how heavy their hearts are. We have so recently been there. I pray that they will all feel God's loving arms around them tonight and can get some much needed rest.

It is still so overcast and dreary. I am about ready to move to Hawaii! (Don't I wish. I can't even talk Robert in to going out of town!) Tiki and I really bundle up when we go out to keep that old, cold wind out of our bones. Speaking of Tiki, she says that it is time to quit and play so guess I will.

Tomorrow is another glorious day!

1 comment:

Beverly Dillow said...

Love Tiki's coat! Precious!

You are doing so good. I'm still working on topics in my chapters. :) I'm working on two other projects now. I'll catch up, don't worry.